Riflemansrule picture]
This post is a quick interview of consideration...
Recently the advancing legislature for the American space programme has shown that with public space vehicle technology as it is the emphasis for the space business and our sensible evolution into space which encompasses chances for any and all involvement for and with the public necessitates the need for entrepreneurship encouragement. The imperative that congress has presided stimulates just that in industry and most importantly as President Barack Obama has justly and righteously declared that the work now is to be done on the ground. As the world witness's the information highway speed intelligence around the world increase, it's very capability relies on the inevitable resource of sharing data become an increased efficient transporter that will with a little gentle nurturing become an advanced civilisation moving and acting on it's platform that it...
Chinese woman picture]
a] was practicing yesteryear
b] is practicing ''in light'' of yesteryear
c] will be practicing based upon what I personally consider our ''paralax''.
Chinese woman picture]
A consideration from a recent space business analyst...
''I don't think its going to take very long for Congress to realize that a manned mission to an asteroid is going to be a lot more expensive than establishing a Moon base and a lot less beneficial to our progress in space. An unmanned robotic asteroid focused program would be far more beneficial than any manned journey to the NEO [edit:'near earth orbit'] asteroids. And chemical rockets are still not the way for humans to safely travel to Mars, IMO.
With China, Japan,India and Russia's growing interest in going to the Moon and utilizing its resources, I think Congress will soon realize that the Moon should once again be our primary focus before venturing beyond cis-Lunar space''.
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
My opinion to the obvious well grounded and centred opinion is that economically the beauty of the equation is a straight complexity between national capability, thus, the escape velocity equation to a stark Americans in space space programme dictates it's economic profile to the worries in American entrepreneurship on the home front. I myself as a component of the interested people who wish to invest in space business applications see the intrinsic value of the very same information highway that has delivered the monies in form of Internet business billionaires who themselves went straight to their chosen field of profession given the finance available from other application fields of profession, again as someone who himself is an exponential factor in the Internet business entrepreneur seeker club realise that it is the American Internet highway that has delivered the money availability direct to it's home front for adaptation to larger business enterprize.
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
As a result the platform needed to move into for a cash fluid space business is really only a result of the information highway specialists that have not been subservient or deviant of the trade embargo's placed on China because of superior manufacturing conditions, thus, loyalty can be expensive, loyalty is certainly an integral part of national fabric substance, but, the export of culture can be dangerous for other cultures careful to be rigid [reference: United federation of planets] observing regionic climatology traits, chosen conditons, creed and habit.
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
The verdict on the developing scenario is that the Internet tool will not bring any new players into the space business with fluid capital for the next 3 years, which itself will not be important to the President Barack Obama re-election campaign, but, it is the transactions of the President Barack Obama administration's policies such as the stimulous of the pharmaceutical business into American mainstream intellectual health, the strengthening of diplomatic relations based upon the new American strategy of racial diplomatic alignment [reference: united federation of planets], particularly in the hugely influencial Arab world which will be giving support of it's one third share of the american stock exhange service, representing trillions of dollars of financial support to America each year, and the work of maintaining a good stimulative response to emerging South American economies such as the hugely influencial Brazilian economic creed.
Chinese woman picture]
Chinese woman picture]
This era is about ground work, stengthening friendships in an evolutionary period acknowledging global capability based upon global infrastructure, that emplores the total unveiling of every nationalistic creed in each of it's guises, most notably the 'draconian' cobwebs perceiving aracnid.
Marilyn Monroe picture]
PIA23497: Preparing Pioneer 4 for the Moon
5 years ago